Tuesday, January 4, 2011

We should have ROBLOX Big brothers and sisters xD

We should have a noob matched up with a Older Robloxian such as myself.
Who could teach them the ways of the force
(From another movie)
So the person could teach them about ROBLOX

ROBLOX-New gear

Well New gear is a good thing.
Removing old gear is a bad thing :O
Making it limted is a good thing.
If you do that Sells will Skyrocket!
People Sniping for low prices.
I like the rush anyone else?

We should have a game.

Yes a game where new users go to learn stuff

I like this. NOT

I like this!!!!
User Badges
PIE (Not related pie :3)
Limted Sells
And Admins are very nice (Some of them)

Stuff :P

Hey ROBLOX Didn't Know what to say.
Still i want that surprise at 50 :D


Woot you gave away EPIC SMILEY!
And i didn't get it -_- I have a facebook but i'm too late now :(
Also i would like to show off a ROBLOX brick model i made Enjoy some of the PICS and my classic feroda look.


Ahh man i love roblox MUSIC
Why did they take Audio Soundtracks away?
Those big boomboxes?
I have no idea
I liked them.

The fun with ROBLOX

I like ROBLOX i love playing games on it.
Making my games Popular.
I love everything about the game (Except BC-Games and the controlling admins that are bad)
Well i say that why give all these big scrpiters the Limelight?
Others need fame.
Others need ROBUX
Others need TICKETS
Others need to stop being a NOOB
Others need to quit abusing POWERS
Others need to do no NOTHING
If these were put into action i would like it.

The trouble with ADMINS

I say this too all the Admins(Except Clockwork) you people are getting at ROBLOX at the wrong way.
I know Xikrizoix and the orginal roblox in 2004 But Admins can't go taking other peoples places
Like Telamon did. And made it his own.
As well look at the date of his game 2008
Old Crossroads?
The same game made by another person made in 2006!
Telamon Copying games?
Thats a all time low.
I am just saying my own opinions here.
What is said here stays here.
All the Admins may not be bad.
All the Admins may not be good.

Scrpiting Kill/Noob I hate noobs!

Well i tend to get in a fuss when a noob or new player.
See from my last post about the BC games i see a good side in it now.
No troublesome noobs around.
Well look up in google It still says free games at Roblox.com Well hmm someones getting payed overtime huh?
LOL well scrpting NOOBS CAN'T SCRPIT.
I made that in capital letters :D
Well i mean look at them Brick Brick Brick Brick A noob entered my game yesterday and deleted all the other peoples creations.
When they brought this up to me I banned the noob from my game.
I never believe 1 Person but 9 Messages in my Inbox?
I banned him his name was Boean on Roblox.
And yes he is a hacker.
Well today i bid you farewell Internet Hobbiests.

Roblox the New and the Old

Well i think ROBLOX has changed greatly. For the better and for the worse.
I say this because well i like the new GUI's and the bodies?
No i don't like the bodies they make the ROBLOXians look weird.
I also want to put my foot down here.
Whats up with the BC games?
It's making more people not buy BC by doing that.
Someone even said he's not buying BC because of the update.
I myself was surprised to see this on the game page that day.
Though i wish to have a popular place one day that is noticed.