Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Scrpiting Kill/Noob I hate noobs!

Well i tend to get in a fuss when a noob or new player.
See from my last post about the BC games i see a good side in it now.
No troublesome noobs around.
Well look up in google It still says free games at Roblox.com Well hmm someones getting payed overtime huh?
LOL well scrpting NOOBS CAN'T SCRPIT.
I made that in capital letters :D
Well i mean look at them Brick Brick Brick Brick A noob entered my game yesterday and deleted all the other peoples creations.
When they brought this up to me I banned the noob from my game.
I never believe 1 Person but 9 Messages in my Inbox?
I banned him his name was Boean on Roblox.
And yes he is a hacker.
Well today i bid you farewell Internet Hobbiests.

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